Thursday, January 18

I Need a Holiday Too!!

We have been trying to organise a week away in France for months, but fate keeps coming along and mucking it up. Originally we were going to go to Normandy for a week, next week, but guess what we cant find our passports!!! That's put an end to that one then. So then I thought we could go in a months time, but to be honest I'm not sure I'm well enough to drive to Portsmouth and then make sure my pregnant brain can manage to cope with driving on the other side of the road. Doh, whats my name?!!! We finally gave in, admitted defeat and decided to go later in the year.

But then suddenly a friend offered us his house in Ireland free of charge for a week, and of course you don't need passports for Ireland, and as we haven't been before we have decided to take up this kind offer and arrange it for around the end of February. Not too much driving and all on the right side of the road, as Van Morrison would say.

Ah but fate hadn't finished with me, oh no, our dreams of going to France were still there, so guess what?!! Last night I won a weeks holiday in Brittany for us all. You can check it out on the website Looks really nice, fully accessible and I haven't been to Brittany since I was at school. So already I'm looking forward to it, and sitting in a nice cafe somewhere watching the world go by....

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