Monday, January 21

Let it Snow, er Rain, er Snow!

I say I say I say, just how wet can you get in a wheelchair?

I hate it when it rains, because its never just the odd spot of rain here, oh no its always solidly torrential for days on end. Come to think of it I cant quite remember our last dry day, and the flooding on the A69 tonight supports my suspicion its been a long time. Anyway I just HAD to go to Carlisle, forget procrastination, I just couldn't get out of it today. So 5 minutes out of the house I was driving into headlong snow, not a good sign and I did consider turning back, but as a woman with a mission I was not to be deterred. By the time I got into the city and parked it was chucking it down, mostly sleet, very cold and totally unavoidable. On reflection I should have worn my husbands waterproofs, but I had no idea it was that wet, I have since made a vow to keep some in the car. Anyway my guess is I was soaked within about 3 minutes. My hands gave up completely despite wearing gloves, my feet frozen and even though I cant really tell my legs cold to the bone. Thing is from a scientific point of view I suppose sitting down you present a greater surface area to be rained upon and so get wetter. But who knows, chances are I'm talking buzzcocks as it is!!! So I did what I had to do and then took a very slow and careful drive home through the ice and snow. By the time I got back I was dripping wet, a warm bath awaited. But the rain turned into snow, the snow into ice and we expect to be cut off by morning.

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