Sunday, August 10

Still here....

Well here I am still here, still writing and definatly KBO'ing. So over the last few weeks we have had an influx of relatives all who needed 'entertaining', then we have had ongoing work done to the house and Ive had quite a few medical check ups. Nothing major but the sort of thing that takes half a day and leaves you knackered. And that's the point here, I am knackered! Ive got all those little pregnancy niggles now that just take it out of you. I'm tired, my legs and feet are swelling, I'm breathless and I have heart burn too, I don't want to eat anything either. All I really want to do is lie down because that's the most comfortable place to be. If I could I would without doubt take to my bed for the next 2 months and be waited on. As it is, that's not going to happen, but its wishful thinking on my part. So I'm looking at the calender and counting down the days, every one is nearer to D day in October, really I cant wait now.

1 comment:

  1. Someone raised the question of what does the "D" in "D-Day" stand for at school? (Just the other day.) I know now...courtesy of this wonderful internet! The best result I found here:
    So now I do know it does not stand for "Dunkirk"! Good luck with your own D-Day!
