Wednesday, October 29

Britain's Got The Pop Factor And Possibly A New Celebrity Jesus Christ Soapstar Superstar Strictly On Ice

What is it with Peter Kay and his wheelchair humour? First we have the terrific Brian Potter and now he includes the 'pop quartet' 2 up 2 down. Does he have a wheelchair fetish I wonder? Seriously though we have found his disabled humour to be wonderfully funny and well observed. Life is funny and tragic and inspiring and wonderful and just because you have a disability makes it no less so. I know Ive had hilarious moments because of my disability and its perfectly OK to laugh at them, life throws up the absurd no matter what, and I would certainly rather laugh than cry. I think Peter Kay manages to make us see the funny side of disability, without being unkind or voyeuristic. We should be allowed to laugh at it sometimes, its all about how you do it, and Peter Kay does it well.
I just hope this doesn't happen to me!.....................................

1 comment:

  1. lol...My stair lift has an handcrank on it!!!!!!! Can you imagine? So In theory I would be ok if hubby was in...except he has a bit of a bad back....

    Is your stairlift in now? If so did they put it on another electricity circuit? ( the true name of it escapes me!). That reassures me somewhat!

    Not sure if I am sending these comments wrong? Hopefully you will get this one....
