Friday, February 5

Shoulders of a giant

Yesterday I was wading through my enormous wardrobe full of clothes I no longer wear, but cant get round to throwing out. I have loads of stuff that generally are a really bad fit, Tops that are too long in the arm or too baggy round the stomach, but need to be a larger size because of my shoulders being bigger than average. I also have quite a few pairs of baggy trousers, coats I love but don't wear because the cut no longer really works for me, or v neck tops that become a bit too revealing when sitting down. So I went to put on a favourite jacket that I bought some years ago and was horrified to discover it no longer fits. I mean its a total catastrophe from my point of view, I feel Ive lost a friend. The jacket in question still fits perfectly apart from the shoulders. although I don't exactly pump iron I suppose I'm doing the equivalent by lifting babies and small children all day every day and  I bet I'm doing at least 2 hours a day of gym weights at home with the boys as weights. The health visitor came and weighed the littlest today and hes now almost 12lb. So if I think about the number of times in a day he is up, down, up down, its not, surprising I'm a likely contender for body builder of 2010!

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